Dentist in Pinner, Middlesex

Fees Guide

Our fee guide has been put together to give you an idea of the cost of treatment. It is, however, only intended as a guide. Before starting on any treatment, we will explain and discuss the range of options open to you, and help you decide which is best suited to you, your budget and your lifestyle. We will then provide you with a full quotation in advance.


Fees correct as of June 2023

CHILDREN under 19 Free
YOUNG ADULTS 19-25 incl. 2 BW X-rays £30
Emergency from £39
New Patient Consultation Including Radiographs £55
Large panoramic (full face) Each £65
CT Scan 1 arch £99
2 arches £199
HYGIENE The length of the appointment will be decided by your dentist after an examination and plan
Oral Health Advice and Instruction 30mins £65
Regular Maintenance 30mins £65
Extended Maintenance Prescribed by the dentist 60mins £130
New Patient comprehensive clean 60mins £130
Airflow Stain Removal Stubborn Stains 30mins (per visit) £99
Direct Access Appointment 60mins £130
PERIODONTAL THERAPY Initial Assessment carried out by a Periodontist £160
Debridement per 1/2 mouth carried out by a Periodontist 60mins £399
Debridement per 1/2 mouth by hygieneist 60mins £250
3/12 Re-assessment carried out by a Periodontist 45mins £145
3/12 Re-assessment carried out by a Dentist 30mins £79
Surgical Crown Lengthening per tooth from £175
Long-term maintenance carried out by our hygienists 30mins £65
Periodontal Surgery per quadrant 60mins £299
RESTORATIONS Amalgam Small from £95
Medium from £116
Large from £165
Composites Small 20mins   from £115
Medium 30mins   from £149
Large 45mins   from £188
Extra-Large 45-60mins   from £262
ROOT CANAL THERAPY Specialist Assessment by Specialist Endodontist 45mins £75
Investigation (open & assess if the tooth is restorable) 45mins £245
Extirpation for Emergency Pain Relief 30mins £199
RCT by Specialist Endodontist 1 canal from £799
2 canals from £849
3 canals from £899
If extra session required due to complexity additional £99
RCT by General Dentist Same as above minus £250
Re-RCT Same as above plus an additional £150
Core from £149
Usually completed in 1 to 2 visits plus radiograph and restoration
Due to the complexity of the procedure and variations in anatomy, individual personal estimates will be given
CROWNS MCC Bonded crown with metal substructure £689
Full Ceramic e.g. Emax or Zirconia £749
FGC depends on Gold 30% Gold £809
by weight 60% Gold £874
INLAYS/ONLAYS (same price as equivalent crown material above)
DENTURES Acrylic Single Upper or Lower each from £715
Complete Set C/c from £1,299
Metal Single Co-Cr each from £1,399
VENEERS Porcelain Lab made from £799
Composite Chairside from £400
Gum Veneer Lab Made Soft Silicone £677
EXTRACTIONS Simple - of mobile teeth 20mins from £89
Uncomplicated 30mins from £140
Complicated 40mins from £189
Surgical 40-60mins from £249
Lower Wisdom Teeth from £350
Enlighten System (In-Surgery + Home Kit) £799
Top-up Individual syringes each £33
OCCLUSAL SPLINTS Michigan/Tanner £639
Soft £159
NiTi or SCi (Anterior) £399
MOUTHGUARDS Sports Protective Range of colours each £69
IMPLANTS Assessment & Treatment Plan Letter Incl. Intra-oral X-rays 30mins £100
Implant Placement from £1,250
Implant Crown Fit from £1,299
Bone Graft from £413
Digital Guide for Fully Guided Implant placement £250
Extraction using bone preservation depends on complexity £150-£250
Immediate Loaded Temporary crown - single crown on temporary abutment £199
Implant temporary crown for contouring gingiva (only if necessary) £350
Socket Preservation Grafting from £350
Mucoderm £300
(Due to the complexity of the procedure and variations in anatomy, individual personal estimates will be given)
EXTRAS Crown Lengthening (surgical) per tooth £179
Crown margin subgingival preparation per tooth £65
Gingivectomy (non-surgical) per tooth £65
Nayyar Core (amalgam) per tooth £110
Composite Fibre Core Uncomplicated per tooth £159
Complex per tooth £189
Fibre-Post and Core per tooth £249
Name Tags for Dentures £42
Recement Crown or Bridge from £69
Temporary Restoration per tooth £64
Complex Shade Matching £49
Functional Aesthetic Try-In from £275
Diagnostic Wax-up per tooth £45
Occlusal Records (upper and lower) £75
Provisional crowns charged individually and dependent on material used Varies
SEDATION Using IV Midazolam Administered here max. 2 hours £399
per hour thereafter £100
Using an external anaesthetist Complex cases only £599+
SINUS LIFT Internal by our Oral Surgeon from £699
External by our Oral Surgeon from £899
FACIAL REJUVINATION Botox (Botulinum Toxin) 1 area from £219
2 areas from £249
3 areas from £299
Dermal Fillers from £325
ORTHODONTICS Initial Consultation Paid in advance £100
Invisalign Mild from £3,500
Moderate from £4,500
Complex from £5,500
Replacement retainers (top & bottom) Removable £299
Lingual bonded retainers (top & bottom) Fixed £399
Lingual bonded retainers (single arch) £249


Fees correct as of November 2022

INITIAL EXAM FULL PERIODONTAL ASSESSMENT Includes intra-oral radiographs, OPG extra) £145
RADIOGRAPHS Small for your refernce only (each) £8
Large panoramic (full face) if required £59
PERIODONTAL THERAPY Initial Assessment & Reviews carried out by a Periodontist 45mins £145
Debridement per 1/2 mouth 60mins £279
Debridement per 1/4 mouth 45mins £209
3/12 Re-assessment carried out by a Periodontist 45mins £145
Crown Lengthening per tooth from £159
Long-term maintenance carried out by our hygienists 30mins £55
Periodontal Surgery per quadrant £279
HYGIENE THERAPY The length of the appointment will be decided by your dentist after an examination and plan
Oral Health Advice and Plan 30mins £55
Regular Maintenance 30mins £65
Extended Treatment 60mins £110
Childrens Maintenance and OH Advice 30mins £55
Direct Access Appointment 60mins £130
AESTHETIC IMPROVEMENTS Home Teeth Whitening £399
New Patient comprehensive clean £130
PREVENTATIVE THERAPY Full Mouth Flouride Therapy added on as part of a hygiene maintenance appt. £49
Acute Sensitivity Management added on as part of a hygiene maintenance appt. £49
Fissure Sealant per tooth £39
Preventive Resin Restoration per tooth £79
Diet Analysis & Caries Prevention Plan added on as part of a hygiene maintenance appt. £49

All treatment is provided on a private basis. A personal treatment plan will be provided for your approval.
The final choice of treatment always rests with the patient.

Due to the nature of dentistry, estimates may vary according to the degree of difficulty of the treatment.
Should any changes need to be made, the patient's approval will always be sought in advance.

Copyright © Pinn Dental Practice. All Rights Reserved.
Dentist in Pinner, Middlesex
Last Update: 11-Mar-2025
Cosmetic Dentistry in Pinner offers general dentistry, restorative dentistry, preventative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and implant dentistry at affordable fees.